The Th.D. Files

I have changed my degree program at Whitefield Theological Seminary to a Th.M. (master's in theology) and Th.D. (doctorate in theology)

In June of 2015 I traveled to Lakeland, Florida to meet with my friend and doctoral advisor, Dr. Kenneth Talbot. After going through the work I had accomplished to date in the Ph.D program, it was decided that the best course of action for me to take was to transfer into the Th.D program. Doing so means that my course work is finished leaving me with two projects to finish the course: a master's thesis and doctoral dissertation. The master's thesis will be on a topic from Merle D'Aubigne's History of the German Swiss Reformation. The doctoral dissertation will be a summary and critique of Dr. Francis Beckwith's "Return to Rome." The exact title and focus of both works is to be determined.

In December of 2015 life changed dramatically when my 14 year old daughter and I were hit head-on by a drunk driver. Giana would later succumb to her injuries. As a result of the traumatic after-effects, I have put my doctoral studies on hold in order to work on a second master's degree in philosophy / apologetics.


APL503 (Apologetics 1)

Course Lecture Notes, March 2017: Apologetics 1 (42 pages)
Book Summary, March 2017:
The Scripturalism of Gordon Clark (25 pages)
Book Summary, June 2017:
Three Types of Religious Philosophy (22 pages)
Book Summary, December 2017:
A Christian View of Men and Things (30 pages)
Book Summary, March 2018:
Introduction to Christian Philosophy (18 pages)
Book Summary, May 2018:
Religion, Reason, and Revelation (25 pages)
Book Report, September 2018:
God and Evil (5 pages)
Book Report, November 2018:
Predestination (8 pages)
Book Report, March 2019:
Toward A Recovery of Christian Belief (8 pages)
Research Paper, March 2019:
A Multidimensional Perspective on God's Will and the Existence of Evil (23 pages)